Wednesday 13 August 2014

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Thursday 15 November 2012

Cruising Norway

I've posted a couple shots from Norway already but I figured why not post some more? 
I did take 1900 pictures in Norway alone.

The day the weather changed. Sunny and warm to cloudy and cold. I took this on the top deck of the Queen Mary 2. We had left Germany and were headed to Norway. 

While visiting the world heritage site Bryggen in Bergen I saw a father and son feeding birds. Taking pictures of strangers without them knowing is an awkward feeling, this however just felt right.

Bergen street. 


The following three pictures are of the Fjord somewhere between the towns of Hellesylt and Geiranger.  Its really hard to capture the experience of seeing these things first hand. They're massive and majestic. Truly breathtaking. 

Can you see the little cabin on the cliff?  I'm scared of heights so there's no way I could ever live there. 

Look at the colour of this water! this must be a favourite spot for locals, there was tons of writing on the rocks. From many different years. 

Saturday 3 November 2012

Sunday 28 October 2012

The rain stopped for a day...

The rain stopped for a day...   This allowed me to finally get a day of HDR shooting in. Lot's can be said about HDR images. They're hit or miss with most people. You can argue that they appear overly contrast or too saturated and therefore are completely unnatural looking. Or you can argue they are awesome. Thats my take on them, awesome. This style of editing allows way more dynamic range then a traditional photo, thus the name High Dynamic Range, HDR. This results in a photo appearing more true to what your eyes can see without a man made lens. 

So I went for a walk, a nice autumn walk thru Stanley Park. The colours outside at this time of year are amazing. The grass and evergreens hold their deepest green while the leaves look like fire. Fall is the most visually stimulating season by far. 

Saturday 27 October 2012


-Photographer for hire-

I will take pictures of anything you want. You can't surprise me.
Email me for pricing details 

Wednesday 26 September 2012


I've recently become addicted to instagram. I'm not a hipster or anything (i think) but theres something really addicting about showing off my photographic eye to my followers. I take the pictures I take because I love what I see, and I love how I see it. This is a nine picture sequence of my most recent annual surf trip to Tofino. All photos herein were taken with my phone. 

This trip to Tofino was an amazing one. It's always amazing going to Tofino but this trip was fucking epic. This first picture is me at 5:04am after carrying my surfboard, duffle bag and bag of bedding downstairs to my building's lobby to await my Dad and Brother's arrival. They arrived. And i'm pretty sure I woke everyone in my building up while juggling all my shit because I really didn't want to make two trips. Good morning neighbours! 

Sunrise sunrise! This shot I took from the back of the boat. I really like the colours. Big time. 

This shot I took from inside the boat (obviously) the boat is a vessel, it carries things to a place, this shot really captures movement well. Not because its a low shutter speed, but because it's a boat that vibrates like a mother fucker and this is what happens when you rest your iphone on a chair fixed to the vibrating vessel. Say that 3 times fast. 

Surf time! well, board wax time on the back deck!

A view of the front of the cabin, from the front of the cabin.

A view from the back of the cabin, from the back deck looking out over high tide. Oceanfront sex to my eyes. 

I love this one. It was a flat surf, I went for a walk, these are the sorts of things you find in Tofino, beaches, rocks and trees. I love all of the above. 

This place is called Radar Hill. This view is amazing, the above is about Mid day, the below shot is of course sunset. I couldnt decide which to go with so I included them both. 

Hope you liked my trip to Tofino. I'm really going to try to impress you with my next post. 
so sit back.